Monday, May 18, 2009

Made for it! {Isla}

You know how sometimes you come across those people who are doing what they love and they are just so darn good at it that you think to yourself... "that's what they were *made* to do!". Well, that's what I got to thinking when we met Roger, Jayne and their 1yo daughter Isla last week. I am positive these guys were just *made* to be parents! You could tell they just loved being with her and hangin out, playin in the sand... talkin about Makka Pakka and the crew. It was actually kind of inspiring!

Enjoy the sneak peek!

luvin the afternoon sun!And shot of the day went to Brett for this stunner :)


Jayne said...

Hi Kristie and Brett,

We were blown away at your enthusiasm and professionalism on Saturday. You've both captured Isla's personality beautifully in these sneak preview images. Looking forward to seeing the others. Speak to you soon. Jayne and Roger. PS Thanks for the good parents compliment too!!

Prue Kitzler said...

Amazing shots - loved the outdoor locale - it captured perfectly the life that is theirs. Isla is a stunner with the blue feather boa. Kiss to you all from Prue & Jesse Jean xx

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I get to see Roger, Jayne, & Isla's photos here. Isla looks so cute!!!! I am Roger & Jayne's old friend, but haven't stayed in touch for a while. Can I have the contact of them?

kristie gravenall said...

Hi Anon,

I cant send you their details for privacy reasons, but if you send me yours i'll pass them onto Jayne & Roger.

Thanks for the feedback :)