Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jodie & Robert {engaged!}

We met with Jodie and Robert at the studio last month to discuss their big day which we will be covering in in October next year. So, because we are running the free engagement shoot promotion (YES, I extended it *AGAIN!*), we had the pleasure of catching up with them over the weekend for a session.

These guys are total high school sweethearts, they have been together since they were like...16! LUV it! :)
Cant wait for their big day!

If you would also like a FREE ENGAGEMENT session with no strings attached, simply contact us and arrange a wedding appointment at the studio! :)

Brett working his magic...
= *walla!*

We *LOVE* feedback, so don't hesitate to leave a comment for us or Jodie and Robert!


Lynette said...

Jodie and Bob

Great photographs, which show you just as you are - so happy, beautiful and in love :). Love you both, Lynette xoxo

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