Then the funny side is, after Brett did his *test* post I realised that I had to approve his comment. So I went into Blogger and I found a few little surprises! There were other comments in there from way back awaiting my approval! So to those of you who tried to comment and the confusion is beyond you, thanks anyway :) , and to those of you who have commented and thought that I rudely rejected your thoughts, sorry, i'm just not too bright sometimes! :}
Well, I am right in the middle of like 11 edits at the moment, which after the weeknd will turn into 14, so I really, REALLY need to get back to it! I have a few sneak peeks to upload this arvo so until then, have an amazing day!
...lastly, beacuse posts are better with pics, here is a little treasure i dug up from a while ago. This is Poppy, our bunny who sadly decided to run away from home after he was all grown up :(

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